Sub Grantee Full-time Job
6 years ago - Human Resources - កំពង់ធំ - 2.5K viewsJob Details
Call for Sub-Grantee!
SILAKA is recruiting 5 local organizations in Kampong Thom, Kandal, Tbong Khmum, Kampong Chhnang and Stung Treng province for Project: Commune Level organized Service and Engagement Gender Advancement (CLOSE-GAP) under funding support from USAID.
Interested organization please see more detail about term of reference through our website or download TOR here:…/themes/silaka/do…/pub/Tor-Sub-G.pdf
Date line: September 20, 2018
Company Description
In 1993, the Cambodian National Council (CNC) based in the United States implemented a Cambodian-American Volunteer Project in Cambodia. The project was funded by USAID and operated for four years before finally localizing into a local capacity building organization focusing on training and advocacy.
SILAKA was incorporated as a non-political, non-sectarian local Cambodian NGO in January 1997 registered with the Ministry of Interior. SILAKA works to identify and provide quality programs and training opportunities for individuals and organizations. As a leading capacity building organization, SILAKA’s offers unsurpassed service and delivery of high quality training and consultant services.
SILAKA was incorporated as a non-political, non-sectarian local Cambodian NGO in January 1997 registered with the Ministry of Interior. SILAKA works to identify and provide quality programs and training opportunities for individuals and organizations. As a leading capacity building organization, SILAKA’s offers unsurpassed service and delivery of high quality training and consultant services.